Project: Jimmy

Project Title

Working Title: Remembrance

Who is the audience?

People who like stories.

People who use the internet a lot.


Three descriptive words/feelings that your piece should evoke in a viewer 

Familiarity (Deja Vu)




Links that inspire

Cai Guo Qiang’s Gunpowder works

Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 5.33.33 PM.png

James Turrell “Second Meeting”

Image result for james turrell skyspace


Image result for inception

Berndnaut Smilde “Nimbus Milsteinhall”

Image result for nimbus III Berndnaut Smilde



Mood Board

Project Description


Lead the participants through different trivial scenes of daily life. Such as riding a bus, getting into a car, waiting at a restaurant, etc. This is done through audio only. Participants sit in a lounge chair with eye mask and noise-cancelling headphones. Behind the participant is a large screen that displays youtube videos relative to the scene in the audio. Participant is not able to view the video during the audio scene.

Participants can choose to watch or not watch the video after the audio is done.


This project explores our bandwidth of memory. Does the intertwinement of internet and IRL better or worse for our memory?


1 Lounge chair

5-6 microphones for recording the space

1 microphone for participant

1 noise-cancelling headphone

1 Nightstand

5 old TV box displays or projector with screen


Class Notes: Physical Computing II Day 1


** Make sure to set up a 1:1 meeting with Niki to go over your final exhibition projects! Message Niki on Slack to set up a meeting (or use the sign up sheet when it is available).
** We are in the process of scheduling a dry run presentation for Tuesday, June 19th that will take place in the classroom + incubator space. Feel free to bring 1-2 people (if you’re lucky enough to have one, bring your Moriarty).

Physical Computing II: Day 1

Instructor: Mark Hellar
Slides are here

Code is here, or on Github here! (clone it from – the current branch is gh-pages.

Continue reading “Class Notes: Physical Computing II Day 1”

concept: community assets

Project Title:

Who is the audience? (describe two types of people that this is for)

  1. People who donate or consider themselves generous
  2. Cooperative people or those who consider how our collective actions affect the commons

Write down three descriptive words/feelings that your piece should evoke in a viewer (for example VICE magazine would be confrontational, riveting, edgy)

  1. Test and repeat
  2. Parable
  3. Tragedy of the Commons

Please list three or more websites/pieces with links that inspire your design and tell us why: Think about movement, interaction and visual design precedents.

  1. Neko Atsume – garden of cats. You feed the cats and the game attracts more cats
  2. Tarot Card + RPG classes. Thinking about strategic / personality primitives and their influence on personal + shared outcomes
  3. Marina Abramović and bringing the audience into the art. The audience experience is one that

Create a website mood board/collage using photoshop or Illustrator that includes these elements. Add link to Pinterest board or pdf/jpg here:

Project Description (1-2 sentences and here are some Examples )

Some choices in life boil down to: take or give. Protect yourself, maximize your ends or take less, contribute, and enrich a connected web.

“Community assets” explores how strategies evolve amongst participants in a game. How do people respond to the realization that their individual actions affect the outcomes of other people in the same system? Does cooperative behavior evolve? Do greedy actors emerge, and how do future participants respond when they perceive greed or generosity in the system?

Project uses PComp (scale with arduino) and data visualization using javascript.

Project Concept: Les

Project Title

I usually title pieces at the end of the process. Working title is “We’re all in the same boat.”

Who is the audience?

People who appreciate polysemy.

People who would take the time to observe and construct their own meanings.

Three descriptive words/feelings that your piece should evoke in a viewer 




Links that inspire

Liz Hickock’s photographs require AR for the complete experience.

Zack Settel combines video projections with AR.

Mood Board

Project Description

Projection mapping onto a moving object will be realized using Three.js to generate a projected image and Arduino to control the physical motion. The observer will see a bowl with water sloshing around inside. If the viewer looks at the scene through an iPad displaying a webpage with Three.js with ARkit, they will see a boat on the water with people inside and people on the edge of the bowl moving it. All elements of the piece will be controlled by node.js.

So there is an element of surprise: what seemed like an innocuous projection mapping sculpture is now revealed to show something about the human condition. Are the humans helping or harming? Does this refer to migrations of helpless refugees in the Mediterranean? Or is it just people having fun? There is no interactivity; the viewer is invited to invent their own narrative.

Project Proposal: Abyss by Lynn

Project Proposal: Abyss by Lynn


My piece Abyss plays with people’s perception of space. Algorithmically generated graphics that seemingly has depth will be projected onto a flat wall, and the illusion of space will then also be disassembled by mirror fragments on the floor. As viewers walk towards the Abyss, they will notice the moving space on the wall and are invited to investigate it. A Kinect captures view’s body movement and the Abyss responds accordingly. As they walk closer, they will also see the mirrors on the floor that transfers the illusion of depth onto the floor. But because of the fragmentation, the mirror constructs and deconstructs the illusion at the same time.



  • Curious
  • Meditative
  • Uneasy / uncomfortable


James Turrell’s Skyscape – plays with people’s perception of space with light

Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirrored Room – plays with people’s perception of space with mirrors

Olafur Elisasson’s Pentagonal mirror tunnel – using mirrors to frame a space within another



